Principal Report

By Mr Jamie Madigan Principal

What a busy, action packed and successful Term 3 we have had at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs. We continue to have quality learning and teaching occurring every day in the classrooms. As well as offering many co-curricular activities, including SACCSS sporting events and competitions, excursions and incursions, faith development days, whole school assemblies and liturgies, music concerts, the recent Live Fully Act Justly Feast Day and a particular highlight was the performing of the College Musical Mamma Mia, to sell out audiences.

I would like to thank all teaching staff, I.T, maintenance, counselling, learning diversity, library, support, administration, and finance teams who have been working hard to ensure the College runs so smoothly.

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the College community to thank our staff for their efforts as they have been extremely diligent and generous with their own time to enable the many events to take place. Without the support of staff, these activities simply would not take place, so I thank staff most sincerely for their efforts. Below are some of the major accomplishments this Term:

  • 1007 Students have been engaged in day-to-day classes and learning
  • Mamma Mia Musical performed to sell out audiences
  • Consolidation of the CRC Caroline Springs School Advisory Council
  • Consolidation of the CRC Caroline Springs Parents and Friends Association
  • Student Leadership Development Days
  • Social Justice Leaders Development Days
  • Year 10 Formal Social
  • SACCSS Cross Country and Chess Tournaments
  • Year 9 Premier League
  • SACCSS Year 9-10 Girls AFL
  • Winter Music Concert
  • Lunchtime Music Converts
  • St. Vinnies and Uganda Fundraising Activities
  • Year 9 City Experience excursions
  • Subject selections for 2023
  • i-CAN Program
  • Tuning Into Teens Parent Program
  • Outdoor Education excursions
  • Various subject based Excursions
  • College Tours
  • Lunchtime Concerts
  • Year Level Liturgies
  • Homeroom Masses with St. Catherine’s Parish
  • Feast of the Assumption Masses
  • Year 8&9 Reflection Day
  • Science Week
  • STEM MAD Showcase
  • VCAL Excursions
  • National Vocations Awareness Week
  • Tasmania Cultural Immersion Tour
  • Student/Parent Teacher Interviews

Faith Activities:

  • Caritas Fundraising Activities
  • Uganda Fundraising Activities
  • Uganda priest Fr. Nestus Mugisha visit
  • St. Vinnies Fundraising Activities
  • Year 9 and 10 Reflection Day
  • Assumption Feast Day Mass
  • Homeroom Masses with St. Catherine’s Parish
  • Year Level Liturgies
  • National Vocations Awareness Week
  • Lunchtime Reconciliations
  • Theology Thursday Staff PL Sessions
  • Staff Faith Day
  • Friday Morning 8:00am student and staff Mass
  • Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast
  • Ask the Priest Lunchtime Sessions

Live Fully Act Justly Day

On Friday 9 September we held our Live Fully Act Justly Feast Day Mass and celebration. It was wonderful to again celebrate this key event in our college calendar as we have been unable to hold it for the last two years.

I would like to thank Fr. Maurie Cooney who was the celebrant for the Live Fully Act Justly Feast Day Mass. Once again Fr. Maurie inspired the staff and students with a stirring homily and we hope and pray that we will have the opportunity to gather with Fr. Maurie and our other Canonical Administrators on many more occasions as a whole school.

I would also like to thank all the students who participated in the Mass so respectfully and reverently. Thank you also to all the staff and students involved in the Mass. It was certainly a wonderful way to gather as a school community and celebrate the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is at the heart of the CRC Federation of schools. It is in the Eucharist that we find ourselves called, invited and challenged and the Eucharist makes visible the Christ we seek to know. These four words Live Fully Act Justly are relatively simple, yet paradoxically they are also very complex, deep and spiritual.

Thank you to the parents who attended the Live Fully Act Justly Day Mass and then joined us for the College Fair and Talent Quest. I would particularly like to acknowledge the Parents and Friends Association, staff and students who worked extremely hard not only on Friday but also in the weeks prior to the day organising the BBQ and drinks to fed over 1100 students and staff. We are very grateful as a college community for their commitment and dedication to our college and their efforts positively contributed to the overall success of the day.

I am constantly amazed by the wonderful gifts and talents that our students have across so many diverse areas. Throughout the Talent Quest we witnessed our students’ outstanding performing arts abilities involving comedy, singing, dancing, acting, musicians, and other unique talents. This was an excellent opportunity for the students involved to showcase their gifts and talents in an engaging and entertaining way. Students will forever have wonderful memories of their involvement in the Talent Quest and the many strong friendships they developed.

I would like to thank our Deputy Principal Wellbeing Katie Murray Fawcett, Head of Student Wellbeing Luke Lentini, together with the Live Fully Act Justly Day committee, for overseeing the organisation of the day. I would also like to thank our administration, finance and maintenance teams for their work, Mr Paul Sammut and his Faith and Mission team for organizing the Mass and Mrs Katie Franzone and the performing arts team for overseeing the very successful Talent Quest.

Finally, we remember that God who came to live among us as Jesus, modelled a full and just life. He remains our constant reminder that we to are called to be like Him simply by choosing to live, breathe and enact these four beautiful words: Live Fully Act Justly.

Office hours during school holidays

The College office and reception area will remain open throughout the Term 3 school holidays from 8:30am to 3:30pm each day. Please note that Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September are public holidays, and the office will be closed on these days.

Staffing News

I would like to take the opportunity to wish our College Maintenance Officer Raoul Trento all the best as he concludes his time at the college to undertake new endeavours. We also thank College Psychologist Mr Jamie Barnett who began at the College in 2019 and are grateful for his outstanding contribution to the Wellbeing team and the college. We wish him all the best on his appointment to College Psychologist at Assumption College Kilmore.

We also wish Mrs Victoria Lalor all the best as she begins her maternity leave and on the imminent arrival of her second child.

Lastly, Ms Dawn Rogers will be on long service leave for the entirety of Term 4, we wish her a pleasant experience.

Faith and Mission

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith and Mission

Prayer of Thanksgiving for End of School Term

We thank you Lord, for this term. For our challenges, our successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt.

Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.  

Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith.

Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. To be peacemakers in our family.  

Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest.

Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.

We thank you for all in our community that cares for us.  

May we always be conscious of You in our lives.


Father’s Day Mass & Breakfast

On Friday 2 September we celebrated our annual Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast. It was a great opportunity to give thanks to God for the wonderful gift of ‘fatherhood.’ It was so beautiful to see the church filled with dads, grandfathers and father figures celebrating the Eucharist together. Fr Joel who presided the Mass, gave a special blessing to the fathers present. We also were accompanied by the College Chamber Choir who lead us in singing various hymns at the mass. Following the Mass, we all gathered in the cafeteria for an enjoyable breakfast served by our canteen ladies. I would like to thank all who assisted and attended this event.

Live Fully Act Justly Day

In recent days it has been extraordinary to witness the century old traditions taking place for the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. The pomp and ceremony and protocols at times seems like we are being taken back in time. The occasion reminds us of the great importance of tradition and rituals in our society.

Traditions reinforce values that we commonly share and remind us of the principles we aspire to. Tradition gives us a sense of belonging and comfort and allows us to unite as one community. They also serve as an avenue for creating memories for us to cherish over time and to share these memories with new members of our community.

A tradition important to our college is Live Fully Act Justly Day and on Friday 9 September, we were finally able to celebrate after two years of being cancelled due to covid restrictions and lockdowns.

Appropriately, the mass was taken from the optional memorial of the day of St Peter Claver, a Jesuit missionary who spent his life in the service of African slaves brought against their will to South America during the 17th Century.

For forty years, Peter Claver dedicated his life to helping the slaves arriving in Cartagena, both physically and spiritually. He treated each of these slaves from Africa as his sister and brother in Christ and he insisted that others treat them the same way. When speaking about slaves, Peter Claver said, "We must speak to them with our hands by giving, before we try to speak to them with our lips."

Fr Maurie Cooney reminded us of how Peter Claver is a great example of being a witness to our College Motto Live Fully Act Justly and encouraged us to respond to our call by growing in virtue through faith, prayer, liturgy and knowing and living the life of Christ so that we to may be able to aspire to do great things.

Term 4 - Weekly Friday 8am Mass

A reminder that weekly Friday 8am Mass (8:00-8:25am) will commence on Friday 7 October and every Friday thereafter in Term 4 (unless otherwise advised) at St Catherine of Siena Parish Church located on the school grounds.

All students and their families are welcome to attend. It is a wonderful opportunity to begin the day in contemplation and prayer, listening to the word of God and receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. I encourage all those who are able to attend.

Sunday Gospel Reflection

Twenty-Fifth Sunday Ordinary Time Year C

Luke 16:1-13

Weekend Parish Mass Times

St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Caroline Springs

Saturday (Vigil): 6:00pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 10:30am & 12:00pm

St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Caroline Springs Website

Sacred Heart/Emmaus St Albans & Sydenham

Sacred Heart

Saturday (Vigil): 5:00pm

Sunday: 7:30pm, 9:00am (Polish), 10:30am

Emmaus Church

Saturday: 6:30pm

Sunday: 9:00am

Sacred Heart/Emmaus St Albans & Sydenham Website

Resurrection Catholic Parish, Kings Park

Saturday (Vigil) 6:00pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm (Syriac – Iraqi), 3:00pm (every fourth & fifth Sunday of the month – South Sudanese)

Resurrection Catholic Parish, Kings Park Website

Homeroom Lists for 2023

By Ms Katie Murray-Fawcett Deputy Principal Wellbeing

This year, Wellbeing Leaders have made the decision that Years 7-9 students will not be putting in any requests for friends in their homerooms for 2023. Staff are already aware of any significant issues that may impact students and will do their best to accommodate for such concerns. At Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, we use a program called Class Solver which assists in creating classroom lists that take into account such important factors as academic needs and abilities, wellbeing concerns, behaviour, student dynamics, those with additional needs, teacher consultation and leadership input.

We are also aware of our students developing a sense of resilience and being able to learn to work with different people, whilst giving them opportunities to form new relationships to ensure they will flourish. Please remember that due to the complexities of placing well over 200 students into homerooms we ask you to remember that issues, needs and circumstances will be considered to the best of our ability. We believe that our wellbeing support and pastoral care underpin our work here at CRC Caroline Springs and it is our aim to develop students who are resilient, socially able and adaptable to change. Ultimately, it is our priority to always work to balance the most important factors for students’ wellbeing and academic growth when developing homeroom lists.

Interim Report Term 3

By Ms Elise Nowak Learning and Teaching Leader Data Analysis

Interim reports will be made available to parents/carers after 4:30pm on Friday, 16 September via SEQTA Engage. The report will provide a summary of progress made during the 10 weeks of Term Three.

The work habits each student has been graded upon are described in greater detail below:

Demonstrates academic improvement

Please note, for the Pastoral Care report, the work habit "Demonstrates academic improvement" should be interpreted as "Demonstrates personal growth".

Applies effort

  • Attempts all tasks
  • Maintains attention in class
  • Participates in class
  • Cooperates and collaborates in class

Manages personal learning

  • Brings correct materials to class
  • Organisation
  • Satisfactory completion of set homework, in a timely manner
  • Seeks teacher support as required

Demonstrates appropriate behaviour

  • Punctuality
  • Works respectfully with peers and teachers

If you have any questions regarding your child’s report, please contact their subject teacher.

Resource Lists 2023

By Ms Sandra Mobbs Learning and Teaching Leader: Digital Learning

Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs have engaged Campion Education for our 2023 resources.

The College has chosen to use Campion Education to provide families with:

  • a simplified online resource list and ordering process
  • digital and physical resources and required stationery in a single resource list
  • a Campion Education shop in Derrimut where parents can purchase physical resources and stationery
  • reduced delivery costs for the delivery of physical resources.

Step 1:

View allocated subject list for your child

17 October 2022

Students in Years 8-10 (2023) will be emailed their allocated subject list. The allocated subject list is based on the preferences students submitted in Term 3.

Students in Year 7 (2023) will study all subjects included on the Year 7 Resource List.

Step 2:

Purchase required items on the Resource List

17 October 2022

Families can purchase required items on the Resource List. Instructions for ordering through Campion are included at the bottom of this document.

The Resource List for each year level includes:

  • physical and digital textbooks and resources listed within each subject
  • stationery (stationery can also be purchased from other suppliers).

16 November 2022

Final date for ordering through the Resource List to ensure delivery at reduced cost and delivery prior to the start of Term 1.

Step 3:

Students studying Italian or Japanese purchase Education Perfect

2 December 2022

Students studying Italian and Japanese will have access to their CRCCS Education Perfect account.

Login to student’s CRCCS Education Perfect account. Click on the payment link.

A reminder and instructions will be emailed to families on this day.

28 February 2023

Final date for purchasing Education Perfect: Students will lose access to Education Perfect if their subscription has not been purchased by this date.

Details about how to order will be published with the Resource Lists on 17 October 2022

Assessment Re-sit

By Ms Linda Bracco Acting Learning & Teaching Leader (Curriculum Innovation)

Dear Parents/Carers,

Assessment Re-sit is one of the many Student Learning Support Programs offered at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs. Students are given the opportunity to complete a missed in-class assessment/test without the need to be absent for additional class time.


  1. When and where does Assessment Re-sit take place?

A 60-minute assessment re-sit takes place each Tuesday and Thursday from 3:20pm – 4:20pm in the College Cafeteria.

  1. Is Assessment Re-sit compulsory?

When requested by the teacher, it is an expectation that your child attends Assessment Re-sit.

  1. Does my child require permission to attend an Assessment Re-sit?

Yes. An Assessment Re-sit requires Operoo permission from a parent/carer. This is a once off permission in the instance when your child will be required to attend.

  1. How do I know when my child has received an Assessment Re-sit?

An email notification will be sent informing you that your child is required to attend an Assessment Re-sit.

  1. What if my child is absent on the day of the Assessment Re-sit?

If you child is absent on the day of the Assessment Re-sit, they may be eligible for a Rescheduled Assessment Re-sit if a valid reason is provided.

  1. What are the valid reasons for missing an Assessment Re-sit?
  2. Illness (medical certificate required within 48 hours with an accompanying parent/carer note to reception).
  3. Compassionate grounds i.e., a funeral (parent/carer to provide note to reception).
  4. Isolation due to infectious diseases protocols (parent/carer note to reception is required).
  1. When will my child’s Rescheduled Assessment Re-sit take place?

If your child is deemed eligible, they will be placed on the next available Assessment Re-sit. An email notification will be sent once this has occurred.

  1. What if I can’t provide a valid reason for the missed Assessment Re-sit?

If your child is unable to provide a valid reason for missing the Assessment Re-sit, a reschedule will not take place. They will receive a zero result for the assessment task, and this will impact the overall result for that subject.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Assessment Re sit Policy Procedure Parents Students

2023 Italian Hosting Opportunity

By Ms Linda Bracco Cultural Immersion Leader

Dear Parents/Carers,

Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs is excited to be hosting Italian exchange students from our Sister School Liceo Scientifico Livio Cambi, Falconara Italy in February 2023 for 1 week. These students are aged between 14-15 years old and are fluent in English.

As a College, we are now looking for suitable families keen to host an Italian exchange student during this time. It is an enriching opportunity to interact with a student from another culture and welcome them into your family.

Please see a few important points below:

  • all Italian exchange students are triple vaccinated against COVID-19
  • host students can be from Year 7, 8, 9 or 10
  • host families can take up to two students
  • all Italian exchange students will take part in classes, incursions and excursions organised by the College
  • host students can opt into incursions and excursions during that week

If you are interested, please complete the form below for more information.

Italy Hosting Form 2023

Student Leaders Corner - Year 10 Leaders

By Mr Luke Lentini Student Leadership Coordinator

Year 10 Student Leader: Chantelle R

Q1. What does servant leadership mean to you?

Servant leadership means to do my best to fulfill and accommodate the needs of others. By being a servant leader, I can put the needs of others before my own and can contribute ideas to benefit others.  

Q2. Why did you want to be a part of the 2022 student leadership team?

I wanted to be a member of the 2022 student leadership team as I wanted to use my leadership experience to make an impact on our school community by contributing my ideas to the team. I wanted to be able to be a voice for the student body and use my morals and values to be a positive role-model for others.  

Q3. What is your role in the leadership team? And what are your responsibilities?

My position in the Student Leadership Team is a Year 10 Level Leader. My role in this position is to act as a role model for all students by inspiring them to living out our College motto of ‘Living Fully and Acting Justly’. I am a representative of the student body and can address the needs of the students. I am also involved with working towards improving aspects of the school by contributing my ideas and voicing my opinions about various issues. I have also participated in various events throughout the year which have included college tours, raising the flags and being on Sports Equipment Duty.  

Q4. What is a goal you would like to achieve this year in the leadership team?

A goal that I had this year was to create a proposal idea that, if actioned will benefit the staff and students at our college.  

Q5. What is the legacy you wish to leave behind?

The legacy that I wish to leave behind at this college is to inspire students to never give up and to continue to strive as leaders in their own way. I would like to encourage all students to try their best in all that they do and to be persistent especially when they are presented with challenges.  

Q6. What are some exciting projects or proposals the leadership team are currently that you are passionate about? Is there something new that you would like to introduce?

There are many exciting proposals that the leadership team are currently working on, but a few of them that I am interested in include the celebration of cultural diversity and the Year 9 and 10 Wellbeing Day. I believe that these proposal ideas will benefit the students at the College by build stronger awareness and sense of belonging and community. Although, I have had the privilege of working on two proposal ideas, which have both been approved and implemented at the College. These proposals include improving the cafeteria line system and implementing a Footy Colours Day.

Year 10 Student Leader: Joaquin S

Q1. What does servant leadership mean to you?

It's mainly about giving back giving back to the community, improving the quality of the school and leaving a good impression upon the people so that they’re able to do the same upon future students. 

Q2. Why did you want to be a part of the 2022 student leadership team?

I wanted to provide for the community and have an input on major aspects of the CRCCS calendar and campus. Going to meeting every week is quite eye opening to the hard work leadership behind improving CRC and wanted to be a part of that, improving it myself. 

Q3. Whatis your role in the leadership team? And what are your responsibilities?

I’m one of the year 10 leaders. I’m mainly there for general help with regular leadership responsibilities plus a second opinion on year 10 specific events; a notable one being organising the year 10 formal. 

Q4. What is a goal you would like to achieve this year in the leadership team?

I want to help out CRCCS as much as I can, even if that may be small. I want to be a leader that’s approachable and seen not as someone above them, but someone they can talk to 

Q5. What is the legacy you wish to leave behind?

Although being remembered may be desired by some, I personally don’t entirely care about my legacy, just so long as it's good. As someone who honestly quite minor in the leadership team, I don’t expect there to be something I’m remembered for but nonetheless I still strive to make a difference.   

Q6. What are some exciting projects or proposals the leadership team are currently that you are passionate about? Is there something new that you would like to introduce?

The proposals brought forth by students are an important part of developing the school as time progresses. One proposal that I like that is currently being worked on is one regarding a cultural diversity day. With a diverse place like Australia, it’s important to recognise the different paths of students and our shared home here.

St Vinnies Winter Food Appeal

By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service Learning Leader

Live full, Act justly - As Christians, the way and the reasons for giving are so important. Teaching our children to prayerfully give, to sacrificially give, and to give for the glory of God is a very important lesson. The CRCCS community has shown that the motto they stand by isn’t just a collection if words, rather a message and way of life.

A huge thank you to all who supported the St Vinnie’s Winter Food Appeal. The goods were received humbly by the St Vincent De Paul’s Representative. These items will warm the hearts of many families. Thank you once again!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God can bless you abundantly, so that in all things always, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Father's Day - Social Justice

By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service Learning Leader

In the lead up to Father’s Day, students were given the opportunity to express and pass on their message of love and gratitude through card making. The photos speak for themselves. The 4th September called us to celebrate and honour our fathers and/or the significant males in our lives.

As Christians, this is something we are taught to do on a daily basis “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” Exodus 20:12. To add to this, we are privileged to have the ultimate role model to guide us, our Father in Heaven to whom we pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen

May we never forget to look to the role models we have been blessed with.

Term 3 Sport

By Mr Rannoch Wilkinson Sport Co-ordinator

Premier League

The term 3 season of Premier League is Year 9. After 2 years of interruptions, this year level were our last to experience Premier League as a weekly sporting competition at our College.

Students participated in trials late in term 2 and were prepared to start the term in the winter season sports of Basketball, Soccer, AFL Football, Netball and Volleyball.

This term was a very successful one for our teams. We had 7 teams qualify for finals. They were Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Basketball and Boys AFL. Two of these teams won their Semi-Finals and after both going through the season undefeated, our Boys Basketball and Boys Soccer teams qualified to host their respective Grand Final.

The Boys Basketball team played against Kolbe College who was the closest team to challenge them in the home and away matches. After a slow start with scoring back and forth to both teams, our boys found their groove and started to pull away during the third quarter. This continued in the last quarter to eventually run out winners 65 – 35. Well done to all the boys in the team and to Mr Jamie Barnett in coaching them this term.

The Boys Soccer team played St Monica’s in the Grand Final. The St Monica’s team are always very well organised and are tough to beat. The result from earlier in the season was a 1-0 win to us. Our boys were also coming off a tough Semi-Final in which we beat CRC North Keilor in extra time and were missing 3 key players through injury and illness. This would not stop them giving their all in a final they were determined to win. After scoring first, we were down 2-1 close to full time when we managed to score a late equaliser forcing extra time for the second week in a row. Kaelan G then scored early in extra time and then showed a great defensive effort to hold on for the remainder of the time and claim a 3-2 win. Congratulations to all the Boys that played throughout the season and Mr Daniel Pisani for leading and coaching the team.

Premier League Most Valuable Player Awards

Boys AFL – Ben D and Isaac D 
Girls Netball – Adriana R 
Boys Basketball – Jonathan C 
Girls Basketball – Eva M and Caitlyn V
Boys Volleyball – Mason G 
Girls Volleyball – Keeley P 
Boys Soccer – Kaelan G
Girls Soccer – Taylah B

SACCSS Badminton

After several years of planning and then two cancellations due to lockdowns, the inaugural SACCSS Badminton tournament finally occurred in term 3. The day was more popular than anticipated and almost every category filled to capacity. Our 14 students were ready and eager to compete across the three age categories. Caroline Springs teams performed brilliantly across the day, winning matches and losing some but most importantly enjoying the competition and playing sport in a competitive but fair manner.

At the end of the pool matches our Intermediate Boys Pair Alan M and Jacob V as well as our Intermediate Girls Pair Irene M and Angel Y qualified for the finals. They both won the Semi Final and faced pairs from Marymede and CRC North Keilor respectively. The boys had a close match with Marymede, going down early but fighting back in the mid point of the match and holding on to win 26 – 23 in the end. Our girls had a more comfortable performance with Irene and Angel clearly a class above the rest and a dominant 35 – 10 win in the Grand Final.

Congratulations to both of our winning pairs and all the students who competed across the day.

Intermediate Girls AFL

The annual Girls AFL tournament occurred early in term 3 and as usual our girls were super keen to participate. This year, most of the team came from experienced girls who play club football outside of school so we were excited to see how we would go on the day. With high participation from SACCSS colleges, we were split into 2 smaller pools where our girls won one match and lost one match but did enough to secure a spot in the Semi Finals.

Unfortunately for us, the match just didn’t go our way and we lost a close one to CRC North Keilor going down by just 6 points. The girls however, had a great day and vowed to come back again next year and take it a step further and play a grand final.

Year 10 Boys AFL

Early in the term, our year 10 boys took part in another new event on the SACCSS sporting calendar, the year 10 Boys AFL gala day. Filling a gap in the AFL calendar for the boys, this day worked similar to the Girls AFL day with teams placed in pools and competing in four pool matches across the day with the top teams then facing off in a grand final.

It was a tough day for our boys, particularly in division 1, facing strong teams from St Monica’s, Salesian and Mackillop. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to win any of our matches but the boys should be proud of the effort they gave, competing hard in every match and never giving up.

SACCSS Athletics

Towards the end of term 3 we sent a team of 80 students to Lakeside Stadium in Albert Park to compete in the SACCSS Athletics event. Teams were selected based off results of the house carnival earlier in the year and some lunchtime trials at school. Relieved to see the rain clear away after solid downpours the day before, the day started with the 1500m events. As always, we had numerous students step up to fill gaps due to absences and do whatever they could to perform to their best and earn points for our College.

Some standout performers across the day for us were Nathan P who finished 3rd in the 14 Year old Boys, Ella M – 3rd 14 Year old girls and Diara D – 3rd 15 year old girls.

Thank you to all students who competed and assisted in the day, we look forward to working our way back into division 1 next year.


The SACCSS Chess tournament this year was held at SACCSS host Thomas Carr’s College hall. As always, we sent a full team with 8 students competing in the Junior, Intermediate and Open divisions. Our students competed well across the day with Ethan T the best individual performer finishing 3rd in the junior division. This was just one highlight though with all of our students performing strongly we combined to win both the Junior and Intermediate Shields in 2022.

All our students should be extremely proud of this tremendous effort. We will hold the perpetual shields for the next year and have them on display in the school.

R U Ok Day? - Social Justice

By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service Learning Leader

A simple question that can shift the mood, build the spirit, and make a difference – R u ok?

On September 8, the social justice team was on a mission to inspire and empower people to connect with members of their community. They greeted the community with a sweet treat, as they reminded them to check on their friends and loved ones. A display was put up to reinforce the importance of checking in and having a conversation with people around them.

Any day is a good day to ask R U Ok? John 16:33 says, “In this world, you WILL have trouble”, therefore we, as Christians should always be on the lookout to make sure positive vibes are spread, while authentically asking if the people around you are, OK?

Year 8 Maths Games Day

By Ms Renuka Dhillon Mathematics Teacher

On Wednesday 24 August a group of year 8 students participated in State-wide Mathematics Games Day organized by The Mathematical Association of Victoria at Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School, East Keilor.

Maths Games Day is an opportunity for students to develop their mathematical talents and thinking skills in a setting where mathematics is regarded as fun and worthwhile with like-minded students from a diverse range of schools. It is an ideal way for students to participate in mathematical activities without the usual classroom pressures and is a very effective vehicle for getting young people – particularly in the middle years of schooling – excited about mathematics. 

Our students had a great time at the Games Day and worked as a team to solve various problems as well as play mathematical games against the competing schools

Here are the reflections from the students who participated in the Mathematics Games Day:

Charlize H 8LI:

Overall, I found today extremely fun. We were able to work together as a team and solve many problem-solving questions. We socialised and talked to other schools as well as competed with them. Instead of pure maths-based games that relied on only strategy, skill and background knowledge, most of the games were more based on chance and luck with most of them using dice. It was very enjoyable and if I had the chance I would definitely do it again!

Sophie D 8WO:

The maths games day was a great opportunity to meet students from other schools and to participate in challenging maths competitions, and it was also cool to see a different school. I really enjoyed competing against the other teams in the three games that we played, and we were able to win all three of them. It was also really fun to work on the problem-solving booklet with my team, even though it was difficult. It was a successful day, and it was very enjoyable.

Dominic A 8WO:

This day was quite challenging, yet exciting. Solving a number of mathematical problems, talking to people I usually don't speak with, and working as a team, and it was a great day overall. Though we may not have won, we had a lot of fun throughout the day. It was great seeing everyone in my team try to the best of their ability, even if there were some hard questions. In the end, I would recommend you go on this trip if given the opportunity.

Hamish M 8WO:

Math games day was very engaging and interesting. There were lots of activities to do that also encouraged teamwork, and you got to do games with other schools. It was very organised and professional. The challenges that we did were very fun and got us to think. I think that Math Games day was amazing.

Rafael A 8WO:

Maths games day was an opportunity for me to test my problem solving and intuition skills in a fun but challenging experience. I enjoyed competing against other players and testing my knowledge. I also found working with my team members on problems fun because we got to share our knowledge with each other. I found that I had to use my deduction and logic skills a lot throughout the day. I learned a lot from the day, such as the importance of sharing your knowledge with others. Overall, I found the day incredibly rewarding and I wish to do it again.

James J 8WO:

When we went to Math Games Day there was a hall full of students, all from different schools across our area. It was crazy seeing so many people from different schools in the same room. Across the day there were a few activities in which we got to vs the other schools in some mostly not math related games which was really fun.

Spring Concert

By Dr Chris McGillen Head of Music Performance

The 2022 Spring Concert was held on Thursday 1 September at 7pm in the College’s Performing Arts Centre and featured an array of entertaining items from Soloists through to the range of College Ensemble. Featured soloists were: Cruz T (7CO), Clarinet, Alyssa C (8LI), Voice, Sebastian K (7KO), Drum Kit, Ylai H (7WU), Flute, Mihini R (8CO), Piano, Sienna-Skye P (10MW), Voice accompanied by Ava N (9CO) on Piano, Claudia P (7MK), Voice, Jan Paul P (8MK), Clarinet, Carla T (9KU), Voice, Kayla S (10WO), Voice, Noah G (10CO), Voice, Jessica K (9CO), Piano, Joshua V (7KO), Saxophone, Ivan K (8WO), Clarinet and Heinrich E (10MK), Guitar. It was wonderful to see such a wide variety of instruments featured, particularly from the growing Concert Band Program.

The Concert opened with the College Choir who performed A Million Dreams from the film The Greatest Showman, directed by Elise Laguna and accompanied by Ms Maria Fiteni, this was followed the Year 7 School of Rock Band, mentored by Mr Ben Wisbey, who performed As it Was by Harry Styles. For many of the students in this group it was their first public performance. The second School of Rock Band, mentored by Ms Melinda Martinek performed Don’t Stop Believing by Journey, followed by the College Chamber Choir who performed I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You. The newly formed Beginner Concert Band performed two pieces, the first Galant March by Michael Sweeney and the second a show-stopping version of Tequila. The final two items in the program featured the third of the College’s School of Rock Bands mentored by Mr Luke Julien who performed Just the Two of Us and Twist and Shout by Phil Medley and Bert Berns. The finale item featured the combined College Choir and Chamber Choir supported by a Band made of the Instrumental Music staff and performed Just Sing by Justin Timberlake. It was a highly entertaining evening enjoyed by all. Special mention to Christina S (10KO) and Silvia K (10LI) who not only performed on the night but also compered the evening. Thanks to all of the parents and friends who supported this special event.

Arts and Technology Week

By Ms Deborah Cooper and Ms Matilda Mattar Head of Visual Arts and Head of Technology

Finally, after two years of creating digital exhibitions showcasing student’s art and technology works, we are back in the Performing Art Centre for the annual Arts and Technology exhibition.

On Tuesday 18 October at 6pm we will begin with the principal, Mr Jamie Madigan formally opening the exhibition. From there you will be able to view students’ art and projects completed in Materials Technology, Media, and Food.

Prior to the exhibition, teachers and students will have viewed and judged artworks to see what work was favoured by the students and work that would become a part of the school’s acquisition collection.

During the week there will be lunchtime activities for the students to participate in, as well as a drawing and photographic competition open to all year levels.

See the flyers that accompany this article.

We look forward to seeing you there to enjoy the creative talents of the CRCCS students.

Maths Week 2022

By Ms Neve Lesnjak Learning Area Leader Mathematics and Numeracy

Catholic Regional College is looking forward to celebrating all things mathematics during Week 1 of Term 4.

Maths Week 2022 will consist of a variety of lunchtime activities, including a Pi(e) Stall on Thursday 6 October, during which students will be able to purchase a steak and mushroom, chicken and vegetable, and/or apple pie for $3.00!

In addition to this, on Friday 7 October, all Year 7 students will be treated to The Maths Show, ‘a fun and exciting performance designed to engage students with the wonder of mathematics’.

We wish everyone a restful break and look forward to seeing you first week back for Maths Week 2022.

Chamber Choir Performance - NCEC Conference

The College Chamber Choir was invited to perform at the 2022 National Catholic Education Conference on Tuesday 6 September at the Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre. Over 1400 delegates from around Australia and New Zealand were present at the Conference, and the Chamber Choir gave two performances during the day. Congratulations to all students involved and special thanks to Ms Elise Laguna (Chamber Choir Director) and Ms Maria Fiteni (Accompanist).

Year 9 Fitness Unit

By Ms Elise Nowak Learning and Teaching Leader – Data Analysis

Year 9 students participate in a Fitness Unit this Semester.

Zalaika F of 9 Wonga has detailed her experience of the unit below:

“During this unit, my class and I have explored the various aspects of the Fitness world, and how there's more to the unit than meets the eye.

Assigned to organise our own personal fitness program, my group and I chose to challenge our anaerobic capacity, aerobic power, and our overall endurance levels. From there, we were assessed on our ability to develop a program– over a four-week course - to strengthen and better these fitness components. We were then provided the opportunity to step into the shoes of a personal trainer and push our group members to complete our individual training programs.

As we are drawing to a close on this unit, my group and I are hoping to come out with improved and beneficial results, that prove that our new knowledge has helped us physically strengthen our once personal bests.

Images of 9 Wonga students as Personal Trainers, participating in the Fitness Unit, are featured below:

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