Child Safety Officers

A number of staff members have been appointed as the College's Child Safety Officers. The names and positions for all College Child Safety Officers are listed below.

Jamie MadiganPrincipal
Katie Murray-FawcettDeputy Principal Wellbeing

Dr. Andrew McAlindon

Deputy Principal Staff and Operations
Lucy SwanDeputy Principal Learning and Teaching

Luke Lentini

Head of Student Wellbeing
Jasmine WarrenCollege Psychologist

Child Safety Policy 11 Standards

As of July 1 2022 our Child Safety Standards include:

- Culturally safe environments
- Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in leadership, governance and culture
- Child and student empowerment
- Family engagement
- Diversity and equity
- Suitable staff and volunteers
- Complaints processes
- Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness
- Child safety in physical and online environments
- Review of child safety practices
- Implementation of child safety practices

Child Safety Policy 11 Standards

Child Protection Complaints Management

The College has developed a Complaints Handling Policy to ensure that any child protection-related feedback, comments or complaints from College community members and relevant stakeholders are captured, analysed and acted upon where appropriate.

Complaints Handling Policy

This may include feedback about certain staff members or volunteers, or the College’s Child Protection Program.

When a complaint is made to the College it is important for the College to consider whether the complaint raises any concerns about unreported abuse and/or risk of abuse at the College.

The Federation of CRC Council, staff including the Principal, Volunteers, Third Party Contractors and External Education Providers must follow the College’s Child Protection and Safety 3: PROTECT: Identifying and responding to abuse – Reporting obligations if any information received with a complaint leads to new grounds for a reasonable belief or suspicion that a student may be subject to, or at risk of, any unreported abuse.

Child Protection Information for Parents and Students

Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility. This means if you think child abuse might be happening, you must report it. If you don't report, it could be a criminal offence.

Report child abuse by calling triple zero (000) or contacting the Child Protection unit at the Department of Health and Human Services

Four Critical Actions: Responding to Child Abuse

Four Critical Actions: Responding to Student Sexual Offending 

For further details around our College policies in relation to Wellbeing and Child Protection, please visit our School Policies page.