Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs has established a relationship with the community of St Francis Primary School, Kizinga in the district of Rakai, in southern Uganda.

During our partnership, and through the generosity of our students and their families, we have enabled the construction and furnishing of a brick classroom; developed a food program; sourced a clean water supply; refurbished the church with a concrete floor and rendered walls; and constructed two classroom buildings. Soon, water tanks will also be installed, and we have just begun construction of a third classroom block which will be completed at the end of this year.

With the support of our community, we have given hope to hundreds of children and their families who otherwise would not have access to education.

Families are encouraged to make a donation to the Uganda Project. No amount is too small, and every contribution makes a lasting difference for the community of St Francis Primary School in Uganda.

To donate or make a regular contribution to the Uganda Project, follow our cause here - 2024 Uganda Project (