By Mr Shingo Gibson-Suzuki Learning Area Leader - Languages

“On Monday 29 May, the Year 9 Japanese class were able to attend an excursion to the city and immerse ourselves in multiple aspects of Japanese culture. We visited places such as Coppe Pan, a Japanese bakery, and Minotaur Entertainment, a pop culture store. Another store we went to was DAISO, a cheap Japanese store. We also stopped at Emporium, and Melbourne Central, where we visited MUJI, Harajuku Crepes, PAFU, and KURIMU. But the trip's highlight was Dohtonbori, a DIY restaurant, where we cooked our own Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancakes) and had a great time flipping, dressing, and eating our food! Overall, the day was one of the best days of our time here, and it takes a lot of stress off assessments and tests. I would highly recommend it to those taking Japanese in years to come. I want to thank Mr Gibson-Suzuki for organising the trip and Ms Hendrie for accompanying us to the city on the day!”
- Dominic A 9 Murphy Wandin

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