By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice Co-Ordinator

In 2023, the CRCCS community continued its remarkable journey of compassion and impact, building upon the foundations laid in the previous year. Through our collective generosity and unwavering commitment to our College motto, ‘Live fully, Act Justly,’ we extended our support to the deserving individuals of St. Francis Primary School in Kizinga, Uganda.

The strides made in 2023 were profound. These significant funds brought rays of hope to countless children and families, fostering an environment of security, opportunity, and empowerment. Through education initiatives, the establishment of safe learning spaces, and the implementation of essential food programs, we nurtured the dreams and aspirations of the St. Francis, Kizinga community.

Yet, our journey is far from over. In 2024, we remain steadfast in our commitment to driving meaningful change and addressing ongoing challenges. To this end, our focus turns towards several critical objectives:

- Further Developing a holistic and sustainable food program encompassing breakfast and lunch provisions.
- Implementing sustainable water harvesting solutions, including the installation of advanced water tanks.
- Establishing an outdoor kitchen/cooking area to enhance food preparation facilities.
- Continuing our support for essential building projects and providing necessary furniture for future expansions.

As we embark on this new chapter, our fundraising target for 2024 stands at $30,000. Building upon the spirit of solidarity and compassion that defines our community, we ask in kindness that each student contributes $20 towards this wonderful cause. Families with more than two children are asked to make a family donation of $50.

The collection process remains simple and efficient: students submit their contributions to their homeroom teacher, who will record their names on the class list.

The 2024 St. Francis Kizinga - Uganda Fundraiser will once again take centre stage, serving as a heartfelt reminder of our shared values and collective responsibility. It is an opportunity not only to uphold our Catholic faith but also to reflect on how we can actively embody our college motto in service to others.

In this project, we draw inspiration from the timeless words of Caritas: ‘for all future generations.’ Our commitment to creating a brighter future knows no bounds, and we eagerly anticipate your unconditional love and support as we continue to make a difference in the lives of countless children and families.

Should you have any queries or require further information regarding the 2024 St. Francis Kizinga - Uganda Fundraiser Project, please do not hesitate to contact the College. 

Together, let us journey forward with compassion, purpose, and hope.

Read more about it or Donate here

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