By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service-Learning Leader

It may have not been called Shrove Tuesday, but Pancake day went on, and it was a great success! The team came together and worked effortlessly to provide the school community with hot pancakes to enjoy. All funds were donated towards Caritas - project compassion. Thank you to all that contributed and supported the initiative.

This week’s focus was based on the biblical term “Fruits of the Holy Spirit”. Our CRCCS community were asked to write down their gifts and talents, which were then displayed for all to see. Our school tree bears good fruits, and this is due to the fact that each student is natured, loved and guided on their journey.

In 1 Peter 4:10, we are called to use our gifts to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace. Our pillars affirm the importance of learning and preaching the Gospel teachings, through our God given gifts. Each and every one of us are unique and amazing, so the Social Justice team really wanted to embrace the fact that we together are the fruits of our wonderful school community.

Week 3: Project Compassion Story

Oliva, 22, could not read, write or count, and her business was losing money. Then she attended Caritas Australia-supported literacy and numeracy classes and set up a home classroom to teach her neighbours. Now her classes, business and family are thriving, and she aims to become a pastor and run for local leadership.

Oliva story can be found here:

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