Principal Report

By Mr Jamie Madigan Principal

As we enter into March and the season of Autumn, it is timely to reflect on some of this year’s key events so far:

  • 962 students have been engaged in day-to-day classes and learning
  • opening College Mass and Assembly
  • student Leadership Investiture Ceremony
  • Years 7-10 House Spirit Building activities
  • College Swimming Carnival
  • Year 7 Parent Information session was conducted as a live streamed event on MS Teams and was very well attended by the parent body.
  • Year Homeroom Masses have taken place at St Catherine of Siena parish Caroline Springs
  • Years 7 Camps will take place next week.

All these activities take planning and preparation to ensure that they are successful events. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the CRCCS community to thank our staff for their effort. They have been extremely diligent and generous with their own time to enable the many events listed above to take place.  Without the support of staff these activities simply would not take place, so I thank staff most sincerely for their effort.

Face masks in schools

As per the directions of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the following actions are mandatory:

  • Face masks are to be worn by individuals over the age of 12 when on public transport and school buses – unless they have a lawful exemption.
  • Individuals over the age of 12 must carry a face mask at all times.

The same exemptions to the wearing of face masks apply in schools as when people are out in the community. This includes students who are over the age of 12 and are unable to wear a face mask due to the nature of their disability. This also includes students or staff who have a medical condition, such as problems with their breathing, a serious skin condition on the face, a disability or a mental health condition.

Face masks are recommended for use by staff and students when physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained. Students will always have the option of wearing a mask if they wish. Whilst we acknowledge that we are attempting to socially distance as much as possible, it is not compulsory to wear a mask within classrooms, unless directed to do so by a staff member, for example when students are required to gather close together around an experiment or demonstration in class etc.

At Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, students may be required to wear masks where there are large gatherings such as Year Level Assemblies and Whole School Assemblies and Liturgies. A face mask must cover the nose and mouth. Face shields, scarves or bandanas do not meet these requirements.

Tutor Learning Program

The College has received significant funding from the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) to support the introduction of a tutoring program this year. The program delivered at the College will support students in Years 7 - 10 who have gaps in their progress due to the move to a remote learning model for much of past year. Specific students will be identified, and individual or small group tutoring offered in class to assist students will move forward. We have recently appointed the following part-time staff to act as tutors in this program:

  • Jordyn Bartolo
  • Cassie Hayes
  • Filip Karevski

We welcome these staff members into our College community and wish them all the best.

Catholic Education Week

Staff, students and friends of our Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs Community, in the week beginning Sunday 14 March, all Catholic schools in Victoria will be celebrating Catholic Education Week. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne to celebrate their Catholic identity, the pivotal role they play within their local community and the strength of the sector.

At CRCCS, we take seriously our primary purpose of nurturing our students’ faith. Christian teaching is central to our work and the challenge for us is to continually ensure it is included in all we do.

St Patrick’s Day

Wednesday 17 March is St Patrick’s Day. It is a global celebration of Irish culture and remembers St Patrick, one of Ireland's patron saints who ministered Christianity in Ireland during the fifth century.

St Patrick is known and admired all over the world as the young slave who became an unlikely hero, the shy boy transformed into a courageous missionary. Patrick came to an alien land that soon became his adopted home, and a foreign people became his friends. He was no brilliant scholar, but a man of deep faith tried and tested in the fires of slavery and exile. At first a reluctant preacher until filled with the strength of the Trinity he overcame his fears and limitations to establish one of the strongest Churches in the Christian world.

Patrick was a towering figure with strong biblical faith. He was deeply familiar with the Word of God and pondered it day and night. He lived in intimate union with Christ who was always before, behind, above, within him. Every step he took was in the company of Jesus, every word he spoke was inspired by Jesus, every breath was full of the spirit of Jesus.

The faith of Patrick worked its way into every fibre of life. The true Irish faith of which we can be so proud made our forefathers a people of saints and mystics, of poets and scholars. St Patrick was a great saint. May he be our guide and inspiration.

In this prayer he asks for God’s help in various ways:

May the Strength of God pilot us.
May the Power of God preserve us.
May the Wisdom of God instruct us.

May the Hand of God protect us.
May the Way of God direct us.
May the Shield of God defend us.

May the Host of God guard us.
Against the snares of the evil ones.
Against temptations of the world.

May Christ be with us!
May Christ be before us!
May Christ be in us,
Christ be over all!

May Thy Salvation, Lord,
Always be ours,
This day, O Lord, and evermore. Amen.

Mission & Faith

By Mr Paul Sammut Mission & Faith Leader

A Daily Prayer for Lent

O Lord and Master of my life!

Take from me the spirit of sloth,
faint-heartedness, lust of power, and idle talk.

But give rather the spirit of chastity,
humility, patience, and love to your servant.

Yes, Lord and King! Grant me to see my own errors
and not to judge my brother,
for you are blessed unto ages of ages.


St Ephraim the Syrian (306-373AD)

The Wellspring of Lent: Celebrations of St Patrick, St Joseph & the Annunciation
In the next fortnight we will begin the three feasts of March. These feasts provide us with some refreshment and celebration during Lent: 17 March - St Patrick, 19 March 19 - St Joseph, and 25 March - the Annunciation.

17 March - St Patrick
St Patrick took up the Catholic faith later in life, despite being born to a Catholic family in Roman Britain. At the age of 16, he was sold into slavery after being captured by pirates who took him to pagan Ireland. It was in slavery that he turned to Catholic faith that his parents had taught him. Whilst shepherding his master’s flock, he turned to prayer growing closer to God. Through a number of mystical visions, he was able to escape Ireland and eventually devote himself to studying the faith. St Patrick was soon ordained a deacon, then a priest, and finally a bishop. On his return to Ireland, he was responsible for the conversions of many including the King. Some sources suggest he established over 300 churches and personally baptized 120,000 people.

19 March 19 - St Joseph
In 2021, this feast is particularly important with the proclamation by Pope Francis that this liturgical year be dedicated to St Joseph (Patris Corde- With a Father’s Heart). Saint Joseph was a holy man, chosen to be the foster father of Jesus, the Son of God and spouse of the Virgin Mary. Although there is not much that we know about Joseph through Scripture, he has been a spiritual companion for all Catholics, particularly men, throughout the years, "with St Joseph, the Christian learns what it means to belong to God and fully assume one's place among men, sanctifying the world. Get to know Joseph and you will find Jesus." St Josemaria Escriva. 

25 March - The Annunciation
The Feast of the Annunciation is one of the most important feasts in the Church Calendar. It commemorates the moment when the angel Gabriel declared to Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus. It celebrates the actual Incarnation of Our Saviour – the Word made flesh in the womb of His mother, Mary. This Marian feast day reminds us of Mary saying 'yes' to the Living Word of God Jesus Christ becoming one with her, so that we too might become one with Him. 

Contemplating on the lives and examples of these saints are wonderful models to help us Lent can open our hearts to Christ during this Lenten season. St Patrick shows us how God can work through us when we surrender our faith completely to Him. The virtue of St Joseph’s silence can make us aware of the need for exterior and interior stillness, removing ourselves from the distractions that crowd our lives with so much ‘noise’ that we are unable to hear God. Finally, The Annunciation is a reminder of the great trust Mary had in the will of God and the need for us to pray to put God’s will before our own.

Let us pray for the intercession of these saints that we may open our hearts to Christ so that we may grow closer to Him.

10 Powerful Saint Quotes to Ignite Your Lenten Journey to Holiness

Ask A Priest Session
Last Friday 5 March, a number of students participated in our first ‘Ask A Priest’ session. Fr Richard, Parish Priest of St Catherine of Siena, Caroline Springs and Fr Simeon assistant priest answered questions posed by students on various topics of the faith and convened by Ms Calandra and Mr Sammut. The session generated some great discussion and an opportunity to clarify the Church’s teaching on various matters of the faith. We thank Fr Richard and Fr Simeon for their support in nurturing our students in their faith.

Student Lenten Program – The Search
During Lent, students will have the opportunity to open their hearts to Jesus through learning about the Catholic faith and prayer during Thursday lunchtimes. ‘The Search’ explores the questions: How do I know if God even exists? Do I have a soul? What's the purpose of my life?   

We will be screening an exclusive series that uses philosophy, science, art, history and theology to explore life's ultimate journey in all its richness and beauty.

Please encourage your children to attend. Students can register via SEQTA notices.  

Friday 8:00am Mass – St Catherine of Siena Parish Church
Students, parents and their families are invited to attend 8am morning Mass.

Fridays during Term 1, 8:00an to 8:25am
St Catherine of Siena Parish, Caroline Springs

The Eucharist allows us the opportunity to receive so many graces from God. Strength, forgiveness and hope are some of the graces we receive. However, the most important is growing in a deeper love for Christ from receiving him in the Eucharist. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend some time in silence and prayer and move our focus away from ourselves and on things we may need to work to allow Christ to reign in our hearts.


By Ms Elise Nowak Learning and Teaching Leader Data Analysis

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students is held in May each year. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents, teachers and principals, which can be used to improve student learning and achievement.  

NAPLAN tests continue to transition from a paper-based test to an online assessment. Students complete the tests utilising a computer. It is anticipated that from 2022, all schools in Australia will deliver the tests online. NAPLAN Online delivers numerous benefits including:  

  • a ‘tailored test’ design that adapts to correct and incorrect student responses, providing a more precise understanding of student achievement;  
  • innovative use of technology, including a more engaging test design and a wider range of item types;  
  • the extension of the ‘test window’ to two weeks, allowing schools greater opportunity to schedule the tests at times that suit them best while also increasing student participation.  

CRCCS transitioned to NAPLAN Online in 2019 and will be continuing with this platform in 2021. To support students with NAPLAN Online, we will facilitate a NAPLAN Online practice test window, aiding students’ familiarisation with the NAPLAN Online platform and protocols. Students will sit two tests within the practice test window: 

  • a 42-minute Writing test; 
  • a 45-minute Omnibus test (a combination of reading, conventions of language and numeracy questions).

Tues 23 March 

Week 8 Day 7 

Tues 30 March 

Week 9 Day 2 




Year 7s 

Year 7s 


Year 9s 

Year 9s 

Support can be arranged for students with disabilities if the student regularly uses similar support for classroom assessment tasks.   

It is important to remember that the practice tests are not a formal assessment and students will not be graded.     

Please note that students will require a fully charged MacBook and headphones for the tests. Students should bring their own headphones as spares headphones are not in line with the College COVID Safe policy.    

Students who are absent during their Year Level’s practice test/s are encouraged to familiarise themselves via the NAPLAN Online Public Demonstrations Tests accessible here:   

For more information about NAPLAN Online, please visit the NAP website at

Finance Department

By Ms Maryann Krsteski Finance Assistant

School Fees

2020 school fees are now overdue unless you have a payment arrangement in place.

If you have any concerns with school fees, please contact the finance department by email on If you are experiencing hardship financially please contact us.

2021 School Fees

School fees payment arrangements for 2021 are still available. Please download a direct debit form from the link below and return it to Reception at your earliest convenience. Hard copies are also available from the College office.

Direct Debit Form

School Fee Statements

Please note that school fee statements are now being sent out by email. For the month of January only, statements were also mailed home.

Year 7 Camp

Camp payments are now overdue. Please contact the College office to make payment. If you have any concerns, please discuss them with us.


CSEF applications are now open for 2021.

Please complete the application form below and return the completed signed form along with a copy of your current health care card to the College office as soon as possible.

Annie Auditions

By Ms Katie Franzone Events and Theatre Coordinator

We have over 80 students auditioning for this year’s College Musical ‘Annie’.

Important audition information and Dates

Tuesday, 16 March – Compulsory Dance Audition 3:30pm – 5pm. Students can wear PE uniform, but they MUST get changed after school (unless they have PE or Drama on that day).

Wednesday, 17 March and Thursday, 18 March – Group auditions as per the schedule previously sent to parents, carers and students.

The cast will be decided by 22 March and will be advised soon after.

Parents of the cast will be sent an information video link on 22 March.

We cannot wait to perform this year in August!

Social Justice - Fruits of CRCCS

By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service-Learning Leader

It may have not been called Shrove Tuesday, but Pancake day went on, and it was a great success! The team came together and worked effortlessly to provide the school community with hot pancakes to enjoy. All funds were donated towards Caritas - project compassion. Thank you to all that contributed and supported the initiative.

This week’s focus was based on the biblical term “Fruits of the Holy Spirit”. Our CRCCS community were asked to write down their gifts and talents, which were then displayed for all to see. Our school tree bears good fruits, and this is due to the fact that each student is natured, loved and guided on their journey.

In 1 Peter 4:10, we are called to use our gifts to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace. Our pillars affirm the importance of learning and preaching the Gospel teachings, through our God given gifts. Each and every one of us are unique and amazing, so the Social Justice team really wanted to embrace the fact that we together are the fruits of our wonderful school community.

Week 3: Project Compassion Story

Oliva, 22, could not read, write or count, and her business was losing money. Then she attended Caritas Australia-supported literacy and numeracy classes and set up a home classroom to teach her neighbours. Now her classes, business and family are thriving, and she aims to become a pastor and run for local leadership.

Oliva story can be found here:


By Mr Rannoch Wilkinson Sport Co-ordinator

Monday March 1 saw the first SACCSS event for 2021, with the Junior Golf day at Melbourne Airport Golf Club. Students showed how keen they were with early morning training sessions at school before we settled on team line ups. Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs entered a full team with 3 pairs competing in Pairs and Individual events across 9 holes.

All students represented the College with pride and showed outstanding golf etiquette in supporting their teammates and fellow competitors. Results were strong among all our students with our pairs finishing 3rd, 4th and 6th in the pairs competition.

Individually Alexander Mckenzie (10 Kulin) and Zachary Cotter (8 Marin Kurrang) both tied for 3rd in the Boys Competition with a score of 54. Mikayla Puli (8 Kororoit) finished runner up for the Girls with a score of 63 and Tiana Baba (10 Lingiari) came 3rd with a score of 74. We also finished runner up in the overall Teams Competition with a margin of just one stroke separating us from first.

Individual scores have now been submitted to Golf Victoria and we eagerly await to see which of our students will be invited to attend the Independent Golf Tournament at Long Island Golf Course in Term 2.

Maths Support

By Ms Clara Cremona Millo Learning Area Leader Mathematics and Numeracy

A reminder that Math Support sessions are held on most Tuesdays and Thursdays in room MM2 from 3:20pm to 4:15pm. Please refer to the attached timetable for the Term 1 sessions dates. Students can either attend part of, or stay for the duration of the session.

During these sessions, a Maths teacher will be available to help and assist students with completing Maths work, to discuss difficulties and revise or study for an assessment.

Click here to view the Math Support Sessions for Term 1

The Search for Truth

By Ms Kristen Calandra Learning Area Leader - Religious Education and Formation

How do I know if God even exists? Do I have a soul? What's the purpose of my life?

These are some of the questions that students don’t usually get the chance to ask in class.

For this very reason, every Thursday at lunchtime, our thinkers, theologians and philosophers have come along with their questions to watch ‘The Search: a visual feast of art, philosophy, science, history and theology’.

Below is what some of our students have said about their experience so far:

“During these documentaries, I really enjoyed this experience of learning new things and how it answers the hard questions about life and religion that I have been wanting to know.I also enjoyed the free snacks since I like to run straight there and don't eat first, so I could have gone hungry otherwise. The only thing that I don't like about this experience is the fact that it will end soon, please continue these interesting documentaries next term.” - Elijah Isen, 7 Wonga

“I found The Search really enjoyable and it is helping me get a better perspective of the world” - Hayden Cutajar, 7 Lingiari

“Your relationship deepens with God and you learn the truth.” - Ej Hautea, 7 Marin-Kurrang

“I think 'The Search' has expanded my thoughts on how life was created. I also had a lot of questions and the videos weren't boring - they had lots of colour and images. I love The Search.” - Olivia Riepsamen, 7 Kulin

“It’s a very good experience. We get to meet new people and meet new friends. It gives you a better understanding. You get closer to God. The questions that are unanswered get answered.” - Xavier Bernardo 7 Marin-Kurrang

“It opens your mind and it’s a wonderful experience. It answers questions that you wouldn’t usually think about or know the answer to.” - Jacob Rebustillo, 7 Marin-Kurrang

“I like it a lot because it answers some questions that I have been wondering for a long time… Also because the videos are really interesting.” - Ben Farrugia, 7 Wonga

“It gives you a good background for questions that you can’t really solve without any help. It brings you closer to the Gospel.” - Jordan Phan, 7 Marin-Kurrang

“It gave me a better perspective on how I can get closer to God and how everything came into place.” - Ethan Tu, 7 Marin-Kurrang

“The Search is a good thing if you want to know if God exists or anything that is unknown.”- Malak Hadaia, 7 Marin-Kurrang

The Search will continue until the end of Term 1. Watch this space for more opportunities for thinkers and theologians at CRCCS.

Year 8 Parent Information Night

By Mr Daniel Pisani Year 8, Year Level Leader

Dear Parents and Carers,

This year our Year 8 Parent Information Night will be recorded at the College. Parents will receive a link in the early weeks of Term 2 to view from the comfort of your own home. Parent participation will be in a different form in order to adjust to the new modifications. Therefore, I invite you to use the form below to submit any questions you may have before 28 March.

Please click here to submit your questions.

Cultural Immersion Parent Information Night

By Ms Linda Bracco Cultural Immersion Leader

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is my pleasure to announce the following Cultural Immersion Tours for 2021. Year 9 and 10 students were given two weeks to express their interest in one or more of the below tours. Expressions of interest have now closed.

On the 23 March, the College will host a Parent Information Night in our Performing Arts Centre (PAC) at 6:00pm with registration commencing at 5:45pm. Please attend to find out more about each tour, including costings and full itineraries.

For more information, please email Linda Bracco (





Tasmanian Tour



14 SEPT – 20 SEPT

Australian History Tour




14 SEPT – 20 SEPT

Cairns Reef and Rainforest Tour



22 JUNE – 28 JUNE

Cairns Adventure Trek

Cairns (Trek)


22 JUNE – 28 JUNE

Central Australia Tour

Central Australia


7 MAY – 15 MAY

Thank you.

Year 10 Everyday Science

By Ms Melissa Vickery Science Teacher

In Everyday Science the students have been developing the ideas of planning, designing and conducting scientific investigations. Each week students complete an experiment and focus on certain areas of the investigation.

In Week 4, the class completed the Mentos & Coke practical. The focus was to gather various pieces of data to support or refute their hypothesis. Whilst some reactions were a bit of a ‘fizzer’, others were quite a show!

Student in experiment: Fabian Al-Ksmosa 10LI

Technology Domain - Food Technology

By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service-Learning Leader Learning Area Leader (Technology)

This week’s menu consisted of chicken and asparagus risotto, South American empanadas and a delightful sponge cake. At every level, students were developing their skills, working tirelessly to prepare the allocated recipe.

A simple task such as feeding the arborio rice with small amounts of hot liquid, allows us to watch the patience and love put into the dish. No two risottos looked alike, yet all were enjoyed. It was great watching the Year 9 students gently knead the dough prior to turning it onto a floured bench top to make their empanadas (stuffed bread or pasty). We then had the Year 8’s making the perfect sponge cake, this recipe was a real success.

Such a space allows our students to master techniques and skills that they will carry on in life. The most challenging one being balance - the ability to prepare, cook and cleaning up, in the time frame given. At times, the pressure is high. However, once the recipe is accomplished the smiles tell the raw story. Often these recipes are taken home and made for the family to share. Below we have attached this week’s favourite recipe for you to make and enjoy.

South American Empanadas


  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 1 tablespoon Olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 300g minced beef
  • 2 tablespoons currants, soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drained
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon crushed dried red chilli flakes
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 egg, hardboiled and cut into quarters
  • 1/3 cup milk (use milk to glaze, before baking)


Empanada pastry

  • 2/3 cup plain flour
  • 2/3 cup self-raising flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 85g butter
  • ¼ to 1/3 cup of water
  • ¼ teaspoon lemon juice

METHOD: Pastry (make the pastry first and rest)

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C
  2. Sift flours and salt together
  3. Add butter and rub into flour using the fingertips until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs
  4. Combine the water and the lemon juice. Gradually add the water to the flour mixture to create a soft dough, leaving the bowl clean
  5. Knead the dough lightly on a lightly floured work surface. SO NOT OVER KNEAD
  6. Rest pastry- Cut pastry into 4; and then roll each portion out, into circles approximately 3mm thick and 10 cm in diameter… Continue with step 4 below

METHOD: For the filling

  1. Boil egg- cover with cold water boil for 10 minutes, while you prepare the filling ingredients
  2. Fry the onions in olive oil until translucent, add the garlic and then fry for another minute. Add the minced meat and fry until browned. Stir in the currants, chilli, paprika, cumin and salt and pepper. Turn off the heat and set aside until cold
  3. Prepare your pastry. You should have 4 semi circles ready
  4. Put 1-2 tablespoons of filling into the middle of each circle and add an egg wedge. Lightly moisten the edges with a little bit of water and fold the pastry over to form a semi-circle. Press the edges together well and crimp
  5. Place onto a lined baking tray- space the empanadas with a little space, brush with a little milk for a glaze. Then bake for 15-20 minutes till light and golden in colour

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