By Ms Melinda Martinek Learning Area Leader Performing Arts

Music classes were buzzing and full of excitement during early Term Two when the Music portables were officially transformed into teachable spaces for all Music classes to resume. This allowed students to be fully immersed once again in using Music recording equipment, rehearsal break out spaces and access to all instruments. This will be the home to all Music classes, Ensembles and Bands for the next 18 months during the rebuilding and reconstruction of the Hogan building.

During May, Our Year 10 Theatre Studies students were privileged to attend an excursion to view ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ at the Princess Theatre. This allowed the students to experience live musical theatre and speak with the performers during the question-and-answer session. Providing this engaging experience allowed students to practice these skills upon returning to school which formed part of their Theatre Studies exam.

Thank you to Mr Ben Wisbey for organising the excursion allowing our students to encounter a wonderful recollection of the day.

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