By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service Learning Leader

Our college captain Ivanka P, stated in one of our first newsletters -

“One focus for social justice is the Uganda appeal and supporting our sister schoolSt Francis, Kizinga in the district of Rakai, in southern Uganda. We encourageyou to donate generouslyto this cause and help make a positive difference to these communitieswho are less fortunate than we are. With the support of our college community, we can continue providing hope to our fellow Brothers & Sisters”

Well, with Jesus as our role model and a vision driven by strong passion and love, the CRCCS community came together with one heart and mind. The social justice team planned and facilitated several fundraisers which saw our community giving with generous hearts.

Our aim was to raise $20,000, thankfully, we managed to raise an even higher figure of:


A heartfelt thank you and God’s blessings to all who contributed to this wonderful cause, without you, we could not have achieved this remarkable feat.

May God repay you a hundredfold, as you live out the true meaning of Christmas, which is in togetherness, taking the time out to think of others and showing them unconditional love and care.

Christ is Born!

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