By Ms. Lucy Swan Acting Principal

Families and Friends,

As we bid farewell to Term 3, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the continued efforts of our dedicated teachers and support staff. This term has been a testament to their commitment to our mission of nurturing young minds and fostering a community of faith, knowledge, and compassion.

It has been a tradition at our College that on our Live Fully Act Justly Day Celebrations, we also celebrate and honour the teachers and staff who have served our school community with generosity and dedication. They are the ones who have made our school a place of learning, growth, and joy.

We thank them for their years of service, and for the difference they have made in our lives. We are proud of their achievements, and grateful for their service. In appreciation of fifteen plus years of service we congratulate the following staff: Sonia Angeli, Deborah Gee, Antonio De Fazio, and Silvana Pavlovic. In appreciation of ten years of service we congratulate the following staff: Bridget Crowe, Marissa Gorman, Dr Brendan Jackson, Maria Krizmancic, Abby Wellsteed, and Rannoch Wilkinson.

We thank all these staff for supporting our college’s mission to Live Fully and Act Justly and helping us create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.

One of the highlights of this term was our Live Fully Act Justly day celebrations. It was a day filled with faith, joy, and community. Our students came together to celebrate their spirituality through a beautiful Mass, celebrated by Fr Richard Rosse. This was followed by a whole school assembly where our College Captain candidates for 2024 demonstrated remarkable leadership qualities as they delivered their speeches, outlining their visions for our school’s future. It was heart-warming to witness our students’ dedication to making our college a better place for all.

The carnival rides and stalls added a fun and festive atmosphere to the day. Students enjoyed various activities and indulged in delicious treats

To culminate this memorable day, our students showcased their extraordinary talents in a lively student talent quest. It was a true celebration of the diverse talents that make our school community so special. The overwhelming applause each act received was a testament to the supportive and vibrant spirit of our school community.

As we break for the holiday, on behalf of our College Principal, Mr Jamie Madigan, I extend my warmest wishes to our entire school community, including our dedicated families. May this holiday provide you with the opportunity to rest, rejuvenate, and spend quality time with loved ones. We look forward to welcoming you all back in Term 4 for more exciting adventures and opportunities for growth.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to CRCCS. Together, we can continue to support our students to live fully and act justly, making our College community the best it can be.

Wishing you all a blessed and restful holiday season.

Lucy Swan
Acting Principal

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