As another year ends, I pause to reflect upon the memorable events of this school year. It has indeed been pleasing to return to a 'normal' school year again, after the past two years of constant interruptions and regularly moving from remote to onsite learning, and the consistent changing of restrictions. A key theme for 2022 was to "find joy in the journey.” I hope that all members of the College community were able to find "joy in their journey."
This year we have continued to have quality learning and teaching occurring onsite, every day in the classrooms. We have also been fortunate enough to have participated in many co-curricular activities, including SACCSS sporting events and competitions, camps, excursions, incursions, faith development days, whole school assemblies, masses and liturgies, music and drama concerts, Year 10 Formal Social, Student Leadership Days, Live Fully Act Justly Feast Day and a particular highlight the performing of the College musical Mamma Mia, to sell out audiences.
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the College community, to thank our College leadership team and teaching staff for their efforts as they have been extremely diligent and generous with their own time to enable these significant events to take place. I would also like to thank the I.T, maintenance, counselling, learning diversity, library, support, administration, and finance staff who have worked diligently to ensure the College runs so effectively and smoothly. It has indeed been my honour and privilege to again serve our college community this year. I find the achievements of this community over the past year, quite exceptional.
“Let us never forget that authentic power is service.” -Pope Francis
I thank and congratulate the increasing number of students acknowledged as Student Leaders. I would particularly like to thank Ivanka P, for her outstanding contribution to the college in her role as College Captain. She has led with confidence, poise and a genuine, authentic, faith filled demeanour. I also thank our College Deputy Captains Christina S, Angel Y and Meena B, for doing a great job in their roles and for being outstanding role models for all our students. Each student leadership role continues to evolve and extend the student leaders’ responsibilities.
I would also like to thank and acknowledge the inaugural members of the Catholic Regional College School Advisory Council. I would like to particularly thank the SAC Chairperson Mr. Jason Kok and the Custodian of Mission Fr. Richard Rosse, parish priest at St. Catherine of Siena Parish. The SAC have met regularly to discuss important information regarding the day to day running of the college as well as future developments, including master planning and finance.
Thanks also to all parents who assisted the College in any way this year. The education of young people is a shared undertaking between parent and school and your commitment to your child’s school improves educational outcomes. I particularly thank those who have contributed through the Parents and Friends Association.
I would also like to wish all the best to our departing, Year 10 students. When I look at these students, I have a genuine, optimistic hope for our future and for the future of our Catholic church. I feel certain, that their futures are bright, exciting, and positive. Through an active focus on our College motto ‘Live Fully, Act Justly,’ our students have embraced a community in which faith is a "hands on" experience in which they seek Christ in the each other and in the world in which they live.
We continue to build on the very positive relationships that has been established between CRC Caroline Springs and St Luke’s parish as well as our sister school St Francis primary school in Kizinga Uganda.
"In a world where there is so much wealth, so many resources to feed everyone, it is incomprehensible how there can be so many hungry children, so many children without an education, so many poor".
By reaching out in friendship and solidarity with the community of St Francis, Kizinga we have given hope to hundreds of children and their families who otherwise couldn’t access education. The support of our students has enabled the construction and furnishing of a brick classroom; a food program; the refurbishment of the church with a concrete floor; and soon the installation of water tanks. Compassion, empathy and love for one another are the cornerstones of our teaching at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs and we are immensely proud of our community for continuing to embrace the Uganda Project.
In the very busy lead up to Christmas, we often miss Advent's power because these December weeks are full of Christmas shopping, parties and other end of year events. Each year, the business of this month serves to distract us from having an Advent season that truly prepares us for the celebration of Christmas, with all its meaning.
This Advent let us all remember; it is the feast that sings of the gift of life. The birth of a child moves us and causes tenderness. It is a stimulus to discover the warmth of simplicity, friendship and solidarity. Christmas can become an occasion to welcome, as a personal gift, the message of hope that emanates from the mystery of the birth of Christ.
As the 2022 year concludes, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs. I continually feel blessed that I work in a school environment where the College motto of Live Fully Act Justly is lived, breathed and enacted each and every day.
Wishing you all a happy, holy and safe Christmas.
College Timetable 2023
After careful consideration, supported by the feedback from key stakeholders, which has included our College Leadership Team, Teaching Staff, Year 7 to 10 Students, and School Advisory Council, a decision has been made to move to a 4 x 70-minute period day in 2023. This refinement in our timetable is further supported by the changes implemented at CRC Sydenham, who will also be adopting a similar timetable structure for next year.
We thank staff, students and parents who completed the feedback survey on the four possible timetable options for 2023. We can now announce that based on the survey feedback the timetable for 2023 will be as follows:

Start of Year Arrangements 2023
- College Office opens Friday 20 January (operating hours 8:30am to 3:30pm from Friday 20 January to Friday 27 January)
- Year 7 students return Tuesday 31 January
- Year students 8,9,10 return Wednesday 1 February
- Arrival time for students is no later than 8:45am
- Dismissal time is 3:00pm
Staffing News
We have a number of staff who will be leaving us at the end of this year; some taking leave and others beginning new positions at other schools. We wish the following staff members well as they leave us to work at other schools or industries in 2023:
- Belinda Harding Health and Physical Education Teacher (commenced in 2007)
- Karen Bailey - Year Level Leader and English/ Humanities Teacher (commenced in 2013)
- Marcia Desira - Mathematics and Science Teacher (commenced in 2010)
- Lisa Barnard - Science Teacher (commenced in 2015)
- Amanda Gray - Humanities and Digital Technology Teacher (commenced in 2021)
- Neve Lesnjak - Learning Area Leader Mathematics/ Mathematics and Science teacher (commenced in 2022)
- Erin Crowe - Tutor/LSO (commenced in 2022)
- Cassie Hayes - Tutor/LSO (commenced in 2021)
We wish the following staff members well as their contracts have now concluded:
- Amanda Gray - Humanities and Digital Technology Teacher
- Leo McInerny - Humanities and RE
- Kiah Saric - Humanities and RE
We wish the following staff members well as they undertake a period of leave for 2023:
- Trudi Binks - Science/ RE Teacher
- Abby Wellsteed - Science Teacher
- Laura Mason - Drama/RE teacher
- Lauren Purdy - Food Technology/Mathematics Teacher
We thank all of the above staff for their outstanding contribution throughout their time at the College and wish them all the best in the future.
Presentation Evening: A Celebration of Excellence
Our Presentation Evening: A Celebration of Excellence was held on Monday 5 December. This event was an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of our 2022 Award recipients. Throughout the course of the evening, students were presented with Academic Achievement and Excellence Awards, College Service Awards and other Major Awards for students in Years 7 through to 10. Celebrating together, the Presentation Evening gives us time to pause and take note of what we have achieved, individually and collectively, to honour and respect those who have excelled, and to give thanks. Congratulations to all Award recipients.
I would like to thank our Deputy Principal Learning and teaching Lucy Swan, the Learning and Teaching team, the administration, I.T and maintenance teams and all staff and students involved, for meticulously overseeing the planning, preparation and implementation of the Presentation Evening: “A Celebration of Excellence”.