By Mr Jamie Madigan Principal

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten period. Lent is a time to renew and restore our relationship with Christ. In what ways can this be enabled and supported in the school community?

Each Gospel concerns an encounter with Christ that challenged people to open themselves to God, faith, truth, and life. Catholic schools provide opportunities for such encounters throughout the year, but Lent demands a special effort. These opportunities might include:

  • providing regular prayer and meditation sessions (daily or weekly, for individuals and groups)
  • reflecting on the Lenten readings
  • using images of the face of Christ for prayer and meditation
  • ensuring every classroom, gathering space and public space contains an image or symbol that is not only a reminder of Catholic identity, but an invitation to be open to Christ’s presence
  • encouraging participation in Project Compassion, not just in donating or raising money, but in opening our eyes to the suffering around us and making a compassionate response.

Lent is a chance to encounter Jesus, to remember again His invitation to chat, to come and see who He really is. It is a rich season for schools to look upon the face of Jesus, not merely in our churches and classrooms with crucifixes and other images. Every encounter we have with a student, colleague or staff member can lead to a more profound realisation about our lives in Christ.

Parents & Friends Association

This year we are looking to further develop our Parents & Friends Association as we see this as a very important support group for our College. Unfortunately, last year due to COVID-19 restrictions we were unable to meet regularly and hold our usual social events. Meetings are open to and attended by interested parents/carers, friends of the College, teachers, and administrative staff, as well as the Principal or one of the Deputy Principals.

Everyone is welcome to come and meet other parents, to learn more about our wonderful College, as well as to participate and share in general discussion often relating to significant issues about school events. We are currently awaiting an update to the CECV School Operations Guide to provide further information regarding the health and safety guidelines for these meetings. Further information will be published when it becomes available.

We request interested parents to please email the College at

Staffing News

It is with great pleasure that I welcome the following new staff into the CRCCS community:

  • Rebecca Galicia - College Counsellor (full-time)
  • Jordyn Bartolo - Student Tutor (part-time)
  • Cassie Hayes - Student Tutor (part-time)

We welcome back Bridget Crowe from parental leave on Monday, 8 March 2021. We also wish replacement contract teacher Gabriela Bond all the best as her contract concludes on Friday, 5 March 2021.

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