Easter Reflection by Christina Stanford (10 KO)
“Easter, a traditional time of celebration, is considered one of the most sacred times of the year. It is a time where the Resurrection of Jesus is remembered and the anniversary of his ascension into heaven is once again recollected. As a member of the Social Justice team, this time of year is always about spreading God’s love for the world. During the resurrection of Jesus, we are reminded that God is all that we live and breathe. In the book of Matthew, Jesus teaches us not to be afraid. To help all that come by us and to be disciples of Jesus as we walk in dominion with him. Matthew 28:19-20 ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age’.
Let this scripture resonate within you. Remember that Jesus is always present and the resurrection of the son of God, allows us to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus.
We are reminded each year of how fortunate we are to be in an environment where we can constantly give back. Extend the kindness of Jesus to every aspect of your life and celebrate with your family and friends. This year, I’d like to celebrate Easter by helping others, even if it’s only a little act that can only slightly make someone’s day better. On behalf of the Social Justice team, we hope that you can find a way to give back to your community this Easter.
Thank you and God Bless.”